• At present, half of the RAB body reside permanently within the DRC, whilst the remaining team live abroad but are frequent visitors with familial ties to the country. We believe this combination to be significantly beneficial to our team as it gives us both an up close and personal connection as well as broader external insight. All of our members are renowned individuals in their own respective fields, this combined with a sincere intent and a strong desire to help is what makes them perfect for their roles.


The Presidency of the Foundation

Madame President: Kanku Coco Ndiadia & VP: Landry Bisidi Tshilombo


The Board of Directors

Bibiche Mwika -Comms, Paulin Mukenge -Finances & Marc Mupita- PR

The Presidency of the Foundation


Kanku Coco Ndiadia

Madame President Mrs Kanku Coco Ndiadia holds several years of expertise within the healthcare industry. Accustomed to the pressures that seniority can pose, Mrs Ndiadias' tenacity & passion for social care issues shone through in her engagement with clinicians, medical, surgical, diagnostics & facility teams alike.


Landry Bisidi Tshilombo

Vice President Landry Bisidi Tshilombo, maintains a diverse wealth of history providing administrative & financial management support. Whilst simultaneously holding a degree specialism within social sciences, humanities and an intercommunity conflict prevention interest. As our resident DRC presidential figure, where Madame President is unable, will attend & coordinate on site field operations.


Marc Mupita

As PR director Marc responsibilities will be focused on seeking partnerships with other charitable organisations, organising exchange meetings with sister organisations and ensuring a smooth running of RAB activities both nationally & internationally.

PAULIN MUKENGE Head of finances Paulin has more than 15 years of experience in sales, dynamic, rigorous and always eager to develop my functions by taking more responsibilities

Paulin Mukenge

Head of finances Paulin has more than 15 years of experience in sales, dynamic, rigorous and always eager to develop any functions by taking more responsibilities.

Bibiche Mwika

Head of communications Bibiche, a longstanding journalist within DRC, her ostentatious flair, integrity, determination & passion to present the truth in all of its colours is what makes her a compelling writer of her generation.

Niva Mbiya

Head of Logistics Niva, has led an extremely dedicated career within Community health & Social care.

Horlane Mbayo

Head PA Horlane has an incredibly diverse portfolio of work from Youth Advisory, Logistics & Operations coordinating, Co-Founder of social enterprises, Research liaison & Consultant.


Charity Manager at RAB.

She is a very dedicated and inspired young woman responsible for ensuring meetings are effectively organised, while liaising with the CEO in planning meetings and events, maintaining an effective record and handles all necessary administrative requirements, and the decisions of the boards and directors that are implemented.